Removing CMIO race framework may result in worse outcomes: Shanmugam
SINGAPORE – Eliminating the Chinese-Malay-Indian-Others (CMIO) administrative framework will result in the Government not being able to identify and address the differences between racial groups, which may worsen outcomes, said Law and Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam.
Mr Shanmugam told Parliament on Feb 5 that there is hard evidence overseas that demonstrates this, raising the example of how France has banned the collection of race-based data since 1978.
He said racial tensions remained, and France has seen a surge in race-related offences in recent years.
He added: “I don’t want to draw a simple, straight-line conclusion from France banning collection of race-based data to its racial situation today, but it is one point of reference among several such points in a multi-faceted and complex issue.”
Mr Shanmugam added that the Government’s view is that the lack of race-based data prevents measuring and understanding the difficulties that different races face in different areas, and prevents effective intervention to resolve those issues.
He said: “Our model of multiculturalism, multiracialism with the data and framework we have has worked quite well for us so far.”
He was responding to a question from Progress Singapore Party Non-Constituency MP Leong Mun Wai, who had asked when the Government plans to review the CMIO model and what form such a review will take.
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