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Forum: We love Singapore and want to remain Singaporeans. Will you let us?

My family and I live in Sweden. My husband is Swedish and our two children, aged eight and sixhave dual citizenship.

However, their days as Singaporeans are numbered since they will need to choose their citizenship once they turn 18. My younger daughter was born in the US and has triple citizenship.

I do not look forward to the day when they have to give up their Singapore citizenship. As a Singaporean myself, I want my children to love the country I grew up in as much as I do.

Although we live abroad, my children have strong ties to Singapore, coming to visit friends and family once a year, except during the pandemic. The children love Singapore cuisine and are excited to be in the country every time we visit.

For practical reasons, my children cannot give up their Swedish citizenship, as they live and go to school here. They will keep their Swedish and American citizenships, and in doing so, will have no choice but to renounce their Singaporean one.

I hope the Singapore Government will consider letting Singaporeans hold multiple citizenships because in the long run, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

In Sweden, my children have participated in winter sports such as ice-skating and skiing from a young age. In future, they could perhaps contribute to Singapore by representing the Republic at the Winter Olympics.

With their native understanding of the inner workings of Swedish society, they could also help foster closer ties and business links between Singapore and Sweden.

Like many Singaporeans who have pursued opportunities abroad, I have remained connected to my island nation.

We want to remain Singaporeans. Will you let us?

Dorlisa Johansson

This article was originally published on The Straits Times. Its inclusion on this website is solely for education purposes.

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