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High-level defection: Why North Korean diplomatic family chose freedom

In this photo taken on Feb 14, 2023, North Korean defector Oh Hye Son, who recently published a Korean-language memoir on how she and her husband Thae Yong Ho, then deputy ambassador at North Korea's London embassy, defected in 2016, speaks with AFP during an interview in Seoul.

In this photo taken on Feb 14, 2023, North Korean defector Oh Hye Son, who recently published a Korean-language memoir on how she and her husband Thae Yong Ho, then deputy ambassador at North Korea's London embassy, defected in 2016, speaks with AFP during an interview in Seoul.

SEOUL — Born into an elite North Korean family with ties to the ruling dynasty, Ms Oh Hye Son grew up believing she was "special" — but then she tasted freedom overseas and decided to defect.

Most of the tens of thousands of North Koreans who have escaped repression and poverty at home make an arduous, high-risk journey across the country's land border with China, where they face arrest and possible deportation.

Ms Oh's family's defection was less dangerous but equally as wrenching: she convinced her husband Thae Yong Ho, then deputy ambassador at North Korea's London embassy, to give up their privileged place in the Pyongyang regime for the sake of their children.

"I wanted to never return to North Korea and questioned why North Koreans had to live such a hard life," she told AFP in an interview in Seoul, where she now lives.

Years of postings across Europe — in Denmark, Sweden, and Britain — exposed the family to a different life, she said, adding that when she first arrived in London she thought: "If there is paradise, this must be it".

Ms Oh, who recently published a Korean-language memoir, was once part of Pyongyang aristocracy — a descendent of a famed North Korean general who fought alongside leader Kim Il Sung against the Japanese in the 1930s.

But despite this impeccable pedigree, she still "lived in fear of power", she said.

"No one except the Kim family had privileges, and as my children learned about freedom and democracy when they lived abroad, I realised there was no future for them in North Korea," she added.


Ms Oh's eldest son Thae Juhyok had chronic health problems including nephrotic syndrome, a condition which can cause life-threatening kidney problems if not treated.

Getting that treatment was near impossible in Pyongyang's crumbling health system — one of the world's worst — where doctors had to be bribed to do anything and crucial medicines were lacking.

Ms Oh said it was eye-opening when the family first arrived in London in 2004 and became eligible for the National Health Service.

Her son was soon able to get free treatment at one of the best medical facilities in the city, she said, adding that her children also went to British schools, where they settled in well.

"The children grew up so bright in England, in a society that respected them," she said.

It was a stark contrast to life in Pyongyang, to which they returned in 2008 after her husband's first London posting ended.

Mr Juhyok attended the Pyongyang Medical University, but instead of studying he was put to work on a construction site hauling cement, Ms Oh said.

North Korea is beset by labour shortages across economic sectors and it is common for the government to order students, even schoolchildren, to do manual labour as a demonstration of loyalty.

If one fails to comply, the government reportedly withholds food rations or imposes taxes, according to a 2022 Trafficking in Persons Report published by the US State Department.

As her overseas-raised children began questioning the corruption and injustice they observed in North Korea, Ms Oh realised it would be impossible for them to fully integrate into Pyongyang society.

"They had completely different values," she said. 

"It was then that I began thinking that if I ever had a chance to go overseas again, I will not return."


Ms Oh's chance came when her husband was again posted to London as the deputy ambassador, and she convinced him to defect as she did not want to be "resented by her children in the future".

She had hoped the North Korean regime would collapse after the death of Kim Jong Il, the father and predecessor of current leader Kim Jong Un, and was crushed when his son emerged as the third generation of Kims to rule.

"In North Korea, you existed — from morning to night — for the sake of the Kim family," Ms Oh said.

Mr Thae became the first defector to be elected to South Korea's parliament, where he is now a high-profile lawmaker for the conservative People Power Party.

Ms Oh loves her new life in Seoul, but is haunted by thoughts of her mother and siblings left behind in North Korea, which is known to punish defectors' family members.

She can't check in with them: civilian contact is banned between the two Koreas, although some defectors have used intermediaries to smuggle Chinese mobile phones across the border.

Ms Oh has not managed to contact her family, but she once glimpsed her brother-in-law when he was part of an official North Korean delegation that visited Seoul in 2018 during a rare bout of diplomacy.

It gave her hope that her relatives had not been purged by the Kim regime as a result of her family's escape.

"Will they resent me? Will they envy me? Or will they silently cheer for me?" she said, wiping away tears. AFP

This article was originally published on Today Online. Its inclusion on this website is solely for education purposes. 


  1. i feel that this shows how horrible of a place north korea is, it makes me sad that there are people who live there who are forced to do such manual labour and are unable to leave

  2. This has showed me that many people in North Korea have not truly experience a free lifestyle this also shows that the healthcare system in North Korea is very primitive and corrupted compared to Britain

  3. Life in North Korea provides little to no freedom for its people. From isolating others from various forms of entertainment to news stations circulating from other countries about them and North Korea, to little necessities such as the internet, and big ones such as the lack of food imports, affecting their food supply and increasing food insecurity for its people.

  4. my thoughts on the conflict of Korea is that both countries don’t know that they’re indirectly making their people suffer

  5. i feel that north korea is very restricted and the citizens have no freedom , hence no sense of belonging. the citizens long for freedom. i feel sad for ms oh family and the citizens

  6. i feel that the story is touching becuz she managed to bring her kids to a btr place and live a good life

  7. I feel very pity and empathy for the people from North Korea as the conflict brings the people from North Korea a harsh life and don't have the freedom that the people from other countries has

  8. I feel that north korea is very controlling as they would make students do hard labour but the lady manage to escape it so thats good

  9. my thoughts on the conflict in Korea is that both countries don’t know that they’re indirectly making their people suffer

  10. I think that the conflict in Korea has made life very hard for North Korean citizens that they gave to escape it and that thoose who escape still have to fear for thier family members. I feel bad for them as they have to leave thuer families just to have a good life and families have to suffer under the North Korean rules

  11. the article tells us about the lifestyle that the people live outside with freedom compared to North Korea citizens being restricted most of the time. it's a relief that the person in the article is able to escape from north Korea and live freely in her life but she still felt a sense of regret for abandoning her family members for the sake of her own children

  12. After reading the article, i feel that people living in north korea does not have freedom while south korea has more freedom as when Ms Oh moved to south korea, leaving her family members behind while she had a very good life there and she managed to bring her kids to other countries for medical treatments and services. i feel that the north koreans suffered and had a hard time living in their own.

  13. She managed to escape North Korea to South Korea so that her kids can have a better future.

  14. Life in North Korea provides little to no freedom for its people. From isolating others from various forms of entertainment to news stations circulating from other countries about them and North Korea, to little necessities such as the internet, and big ones such as the lack of food imports, affecting their food supply and increasing food insecurity for its people.

    I feel that the people in North Korea are isolated and have a sense of delusion, as most don't know what's happening or whom to follow when they've found out.

  15. Living in North Korea is very suffocating compared to other countries like London. Their son after returning to North Korea went on to study at the Pyongyang medical university but instead of studying, he was forced to do labour work as the have a shortage of labour workers. And since their mother wanted the best for her children, she decided that when her husband got posted to London again in 2008 they would defect North Korea and escape

  16. While living in North Korea, the citizens were living in fear as the government is very controlling and there is not much of freedom unlike the other countries. I feel that North Korea is very harsh towards its citizens especially towards a defector’s family. Moreover, not being able to contact any family members must be hard for Ms Oh. -Gwen


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